About US

Our services are available to the commercial, industrial, and public works sectors. Since our inception, we have provided high-quality services to commercial building owners, factories, warehouses, property management companies, homeowner associations, school districts, hospitals, churches, retail stores, and the various municipalities in the Valley of the Sun.
Benchmark Construction is licensed, bonded, and insured. We are registered with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors:
General Engineering Contractor’s License
Our staff has the skill and knowledge to complete any construction project, including design-assist, and can obtain the necessary permits for a project. We provide quality work with safety as a high priority and make an extraordinary effort to provide a stress-free environment for our customers. Our goal is customer satisfaction upon completion of the project.
There are no charges for our estimates and our pricing is competitive within the construction industry. We provide a clear scope of work and a schedule will be created that is convenient for you.

Take advantage of our free estimates by contacting the engineers at Benchmark Construction today.